
现在位置:首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 其它各类 > > 2004年
    06-11-14 Bilateral diagnostic thoracocentesis may not be routinely indicated in patients with bilateral pleural effusion
    06-11-14 Environmental nitrogen dioxide causes a pro-allergic response in the bronchial epithelium of normal subjects in vivo
    06-11-14 New evidence for the Dutch hypothesis?
    06-11-14 Pneumocystis pneumonia in humans is caused by P jiroveci not P carinii
    06-11-14 Adenocarcinoma of lung presenting with dysgeusia
    06-11-14 The use of opioids for palliative care in refractory dyspnoea
    06-11-14 British guidelines on the management of asthma
    06-11-14 Peak flow meters still useful but require consistency rather than accuracy
    06-11-14 Multidrug resistant tuberculosis following lung transplantation: treatment with pulmonary resection
    06-11-14 Is there an association between impaired pulmonary function and mortality in never smokers?
    06-11-14 Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 polymorphisms and COPD
    06-11-14 Pulmonary function abnormalities in children with sickle cell disease
    06-11-14 Cough · 4: Cough in asthma and eosinophilic bronchitis
    06-11-14 Sleep · 1: Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome: definitions, epidemiology, and natural history
    06-11-14 Effects of antiplatelet agents on pulmonary haemodynamic response to fMLP in endotoxin primed rats

    06-11-14 Local activation of coagulation and inhibition of fibrinolysis in the lung during ventilator associated pneumonia
    06-11-14 Bone mineral density in Australian children, adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis: a controlled cross sectional study
    06-11-14 Transforming growth factor-?1 genotype and susceptibility to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    06-11-14 BTS randomised feasibility study of active symptom control with or without chemotherapy in malignant pleural mesothelioma: ISRCTN 54469112
    06-11-14 Rapid and efficient clearance of airway tissue granulocytes through transepithelial migration
    06-11-14 Two functional variants of the superoxide dismutase genes in Finnish families with asthma
    06-11-14 An international survey of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in young adults according to GOLD stages
    06-11-14 Increase in urinary leukotriene LTE4 levels in acute asthma: correlation with airflow limitation
    06-11-14 Fatty acid levels and risk of asthma in young adults
    06-11-14 Nebulised salbutamol administered during sputum induction improves bronchoprotection in patients with asthma
    06-11-14 Selective pulmonary fat aspiration complicating oesophageal achalasia
    06-11-14 Written action plans for asthma: an evidence-based review of the key components
    06-11-14 Antitrypsin deficiency
    06-11-14 COPD in the ECRHS
    06-11-14 New insights into oxygen sensing at a cellular level

    06-11-14 Attenuation of bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice using the heme oxygenase inhibitor Zn-deuteroporphyrin IX-2,4-bisethylene glycol
    06-11-14 Retinoic acid fails to reverse emphysema in adult mouse models
    06-11-14 Regional chest wall volumes during exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    06-11-14 Screening for lung cancer using low dose CT scanning
    06-11-14 Urinary cadmium levels predict lower lung function in current and former smokers: data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examinat
    06-11-14 Association between self-reported childhood socioeconomic position and adult lung function: findings from the British Women’s Heart and Heal
    06-11-14 Association between air pollution exposure and exhaled nitric oxide in an elderly population
    06-11-14 Impairment of ? chemokine and cytokine production in patients with HIV related Pneumocystis jerovici pneumonia
    06-11-14 Role of lopinavir/ritonavir in the treatment of SARS: initial virological and clinical findings
    06-11-14 Bioterrorism: the lung under attack
    06-11-14 A breath of fresh air? Report of the 2003 British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting
    06-11-14 Virtual bronchoscopy and 3D spiral CT reconstructions in the management of kyphosis induced tracheal compression
    06-11-14 Smoking, cadmium, and emphysema
    06-11-14 Examining the influence of early life socioeconomic position on pulmonary function across the life span: where do we go from here?
    06-11-14 NICE guidance for COPD

    06-11-14 Parental smoking in childhood and adult obstructive lung disease: results from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey
    06-11-14 Cough ? 6: Which investigations are most useful in the diagnosis of chronic cough?
    06-11-14 Outbreak of isoniazid resistant tuberculosis in north London
    06-11-14 Transmission of tuberculosis from smear negative patients: a molecular epidemiology study
    06-11-14 Open lung biopsy in neonatal and paediatric patients referred for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
    06-11-14 Increased morbidity associated with chronic infection by an epidemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain in CF patients
    06-11-14 Increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 concentration and activity after stimulation with interleukin-17 in mouse airways
    06-11-14 Linkage of neutrophil serine proteases and decreased surfactant protein-A (SP-A) levels in inflammatory lung disease
    06-11-14 The need to redefine non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis in childhood
    06-11-14 Neutrophilic infiltration within the airway smooth muscle in patients with COPD
    06-11-14 Is there a familial association between obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea and the sudden infant death syndrome?
    06-11-14 Role of outdoor aeroallergens in asthma exacerbations: epidemiological evidence
    06-11-14 Crack inhalation induced pneumomediastinum
    06-11-14 Inflammatory features of nasal mucosa in smokers with and without COPD
    06-11-14 Molecular epidemiology unmasks the tubercle bacillus: new techniques reveal new aspects of virulence

    06-11-14 Vasoconstrictive effects of endothelin-1, endothelin-3, and urotensin II in isolated perfused human lungs and isolated human pulmonary arter
    06-11-14 Effect of upper airway obstruction in acute stroke on functional outcome at 6 months
    06-11-14 Involvement of dendritic cells in sarcoidosis
    06-11-14 Familial aggregation of FEF25–75 and FEF25–75/FVC in families with severe, early onset COPD
    06-11-14 Prognostic significance of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and expression of cell cycle inhibitors p21 and p27 in human pleural malignant mesotheli
    06-11-14 Objective assessment of criteria for selection of donor lungs suitable for transplantation
    06-11-14 Severe acute respiratory syndrome: report of treatment and outcome after a major outbreak
    06-11-14 Validation of predictive rules and indices of severity for community acquired pneumonia
    06-11-14 Effect of exacerbations on quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a 2 year follow up study
    06-11-14 Failure of sputum eosinophilia after eotaxin inhalation in asthma
    06-11-14 Relationship between socioeconomic status and asthma: a longitudinal cohort study
    06-11-14 Do farming exposures cause or prevent asthma? Results from a study of adult Norwegian farmers
    06-11-14 Antitrypsin: more than just deficiency
    06-11-14 2004 update of BTS pneumonia guidelines: what’s new?
    06-11-14 Pseudomembranous invasive tracheobronchial aspergillosis

    06-11-14 Clinical features, aetiology and outcome of empyema in children in the north east of England
    06-11-14 Inter-observer variation between pathologists in diffuse parenchymal lung disease
    06-11-14 A new standardised and self-administered quality of life questionnaire specific to obstructive sleep apnoea
    06-11-14 Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of exhaled leukotrienes in asthmatic patients
    06-11-14 Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of exhaled leukotrienes in asthmatic patients
    06-11-14 Enhanced virulence, airway inflammation and impaired lung function induced by respiratory syncytial virus deficient in secreted G protein
    06-11-14 NF-B activation and iNOS upregulation in skeletal muscle of patients with COPD and low body weight
    06-11-14 Prevalence and clonality of Burkholderia cepacia complex genomovars in UK patients with cystic fibrosis referred for lung transplantation
    06-11-14 Plasma 9,11?-PGF2, a PGD2 metabolite, as a sensitive marker of mast cell activation by allergen in bronchial asthma
    06-11-14 Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of exhaled leukotrienes in asthmatic patients
    06-11-14 Seasonality of long term wheezing following respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection
    06-11-14 Breathlessness during exercise in COPD: how do the drugs work?
    06-11-14 Measuring quality of life in patients with sleep apnoea: whose life is it anyway?
    06-11-14 Giant malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the pleura arising from solitary fibrous tumour
    06-11-14 Airwaves

    06-11-14 Reduced pH and chloride levels in exhaled breath condensate of patients with chronic cough
    06-11-14 Sleep · 4: Sleepiness, cognitive function, and quality of life in obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome
    06-11-14 Effect of comorbidity on the treatment and prognosis of elderly patients with non-small cell lung cancer
    06-11-14 Angiogenic cytokines in patients with idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
    06-11-14 Promoter variants in tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 (TIMP-3) protect against susceptibility in pigeon breeders’ disease
    06-11-14 Development and validation of a short questionnaire in community acquired pneumonia
    06-11-14 Association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and systemic inflammation: a systematic review and a meta-analysis
    06-11-14 Oesophageal endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration improves and simplifies the staging of lung cancer
    06-11-14 Characterisation of atopic and non-atopic wheeze in 10 year old children
    06-11-14 Glutathione S transferase deficiency and passive smoking increase childhood asthma
    06-11-14 Smoking cessation services: use them or lose them
    06-11-14 A rare cause of Ortner’s syndrome (cardiovocal hoarseness)
    06-11-14 Doubling the dose of budesonide versus maintenance treatment in asthma exacerbations
    06-11-14 Airwaves
    06-11-14 Management of asthma exacerbations

    06-11-14 Effects of breathing pattern and inspired air conditions on breath condensate volume, pH, nitrite, and protein concentrations
    06-11-14 Antitrypsin deficiency · 5: Intravenous augmentation therapy: current understanding
    06-11-14 Acute effects of cigarette smoke on inflammation and oxidative stress: a review
    06-11-14 COPD increases the risk of squamous histological subtype in smokers who develop non-small cell lung carcinoma
    06-11-14 Expression of glucocorticoid receptors and ? in steroid sensitive and steroid insensitive interstitial lung diseases
    06-11-14 Paradoxical reactions during tuberculosis treatment in patients with and without HIV co-infection
    06-11-14 Cross tolerance to salbutamol occurs independently of ?2 adrenoceptor genotype-16 in asthmatic patients receiving regular formoterol or salm
    06-11-14 Effect of oxygen on recovery from maximal exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    06-11-14 Peripheral muscle endurance and the oxidative profile of the quadriceps in patients with COPD
    06-11-14 Vitamin E supplements in asthma: a parallel group randomised placebo controlled trial
    06-11-14 Fluticasone induces T cell apoptosis in the bronchial wall of mild to moderate asthmatics
    06-11-14 Antiviral agents and corticosteroids in the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS
    06-11-14 Increase in diagnosed asthma but not in symptoms in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey
    06-11-14 Airwaves
    06-11-14 Short burst oxygen therapy for relief of breathlessness in COPD

    06-11-14 Decreased expression of interleukin 13 in human lung emphysema
    06-11-14 Chemotherapy versus supportive care in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: improved survival without detriment to quality of life
    06-11-14 Operating characteristics of the negative expiratory pressure technique in predicting obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in snoring patients
    06-11-14 Six month radiological and physiological outcomes in severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) survivors
    06-11-14 Relationship between peripheral airway dysfunction, airway obstruction, and neutrophilic inflammation in COPD
    06-11-14 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 1-antitrypsin PI MZ heterozygotes: a meta-analysis
    06-11-14 Airway inflammation in children with difficult asthma: relationships with airflow limitation and persistent symptoms
    06-11-14 Soluble CD86 protein in serum samples of patients with asthma
    06-11-14 Linkage/association study of a locus modulating total serum IgE on chromosome 14q13–24 in families with asthma
    06-11-14 Environmental allergen exposure, sensitisation and asthma: from whole populations to individuals at risk
    06-11-14 A rare presentation of a ruptured bronchial artery aneurysm
    06-11-14 Early allergen exposure, skin prick responses, and atopic wheeze at age 5 in English children: a cohort study
    06-11-14 Chemotherapy for advanced lung cancer: is the glass half full or half empty?
    06-11-14 The HRCT scan pursuing real life pathology
    06-11-14 Pi MZ and COPD: will we ever know?

    06-11-14 Burkholderia cenocepacia and Burkholderia multivorans: influence on survival in cystic fibrosis
    06-11-14 Genetic mutations in surfactant protein C are a rare cause of sporadic cases of IPF
    06-11-14 Use of inhaled corticosteroids following discharge from an emergency department for an acute exacerbation of asthma
    06-11-14 Risk factors of treatment failure in community acquired pneumonia: implications for disease outcome
    06-11-14 Type of wine and risk of lung cancer: a case-control study in Spain
    06-11-14 Childhood factors associated with asthma remission after 30 year follow up
    06-11-14 Psychological factors and asthma quality of life: a population based study
    06-11-14 Raised cord serum immunoglobulin E increases the risk of allergic sensitisation at ages 4 and 10 and asthma at age 10
    06-11-14 Idiopathic diffuse pulmonary ossification
    06-11-14 When can personal best peak flow be determined for asthma action plans?
    06-11-14 Tuberculosis and anti-TNF- treatment
    06-11-14 Identifying failure of empirical treatment for pneumonia: vigilance and common sense
    06-11-14 What happens to patients with respiratory disease when they fly?
    06-11-14 Airwaves
    06-11-14 Unravelling salt transport in cystic fibrosis

    06-11-14 Continuous and intermittent exercise responses in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    06-11-14 Expression of ErbB receptors and mucins in the airways of long term current smokers
    06-11-14 Protective role of metallothionein in acute lung injury induced by bacterial endotoxin
    06-11-14 Effects of asbestos and smoking on the levels and rates of change of lung function in a crocidolite exposed cohort in Western Australia
    06-11-14 Supplementary oxygen in healthy subjects and those with COPD increases oxidative stress and airway inflammation
    06-11-14 Readmission rates and life threatening events in COPD survivors treated with non-invasive ventilation for acute hypercapnic respiratory fail
    06-11-14 Initial starting dose of inhaled corticosteroids in adults with asthma: a systematic review
    06-11-14 Asthma exacerbations in children immediately following stressful life events: a Cox’s hierarchical regression
    06-11-14 Inflammatory response associated with pulmonary complications in non-HIV immunocompromised patients
    06-11-14 Getting grant applications funded: lessons from the past and advice for the future
    06-11-14 Thorax annual report: 1 October 2003 to 30 September 2004
    06-11-14 B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the trachea mimicking COPD
    06-11-14 Oxygen: the good, the bad, and the necessary
    06-11-14 Non-invasive ventilation in acute exacerbations of COPD: what happens after hospital discharge?
    06-11-14 Detecting early lung disease in cystic fibrosis: are current techniques sufficient?