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http://www.100md.com 2018年5月25日 《中国当代医药》 2018年第15期


    [中图分类号] R197.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2018)5(c)-0133-04

    Application of Tort Liability Law in standardization of the responsibility and risk of medical record management

    LIU Hong-wei LIAO Yu-hong LIAO Hong-xia

    Department of Medical Affairs,Heyuan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guangdong Province,Heyuan 517000,China

    [Abstract]With the social development,people′s legal consciousness has been constantly improved,especially after the introduction of Tort Liability Law.The situation of a medical institution as a defendant has become a norm.In addition to the tort of diagnosis and treatment behavior,the cases of infringement caused by mismanagement of medical records also occur,such as the authenticity in the forming of medical records,the timeliness in preservation,legitimacy in usage and privacy protection of medical records,which makes the management of medical institutions more confused.This paper describes the relevant legal provisions of Tort Liability Law about medical record management,combined with related tort cases in our hospital in recent years in the medical record management process,analyzes and indicates the great progress and standardization of medical institutions in management in accordance with the law.However,part of the medical staff do not pay enough attention to the management of medical records,resulting in infringement behavior of medical institutions in the medical record management process,which makes medical institutions confronted with potential risks.With the application of Tort Liability Law in regulation of medical record management,medical institutions can make the management work more legitimate and standardized and improve the comprehensive management level,so as to protect the lawful rights and interests of both doctors and patients,which is worthy of promotion in the whole medical system.

    [Key words]Tort Liability Law;Medical record management;Responsibility;Risk

    《中華人民共和国侵权责任法》(以下简称《侵权责任法》)是为了保护民事主体的合法权益,明确侵权责任,预防并制裁侵权行为,促进社会和谐稳定,而制定的一部法律。该法共对七种侵权行为进行了规定,其中第七章把医疗损害责任以独立的篇章明确出来,在此之前对医疗损害处理的主要依据是《医疗事故处理条例》,而现在《侵权责任法》则把医疗侵权的情形及归责原则以法律的形式充分给予明确[1]。该法自实施以来,对医疗机构的管理方式及医疗行为的法律责任带来了明显的变化和影响,本法第七章关于医疗损害的法条共有11条,其中有3条都直接涉及到病案管理的工作,由此可见医疗机构在病案管理过程中的法律责任与风险地位日渐突出,因此对病案进行依法规范性管理就势在必行了。, http://www.100md.com(刘洪伟 廖宇红 廖红霞)
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