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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月5日 钟利兰


     [摘要] 目的:总结急性重症病毒性心肌炎的不同临床表现及诊治经验。方法:对2005年1月~2010年1月本院诊治的29例急性重症病毒性心肌炎患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:所有患者在起病前数周内均有发热、咳嗽、流涕等上呼吸道感染症状或伴有腹泻、呕吐、腹痛等消化道症状,且不能用消化道及神经系统的原发疾病来解释。根据是否伴随有心源性休克分为A、B组,两组经比较一般资料、临床表现、心电图和辅助检查结果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A组2例死于心源性休克,死者病程短为(1.5±0.3) d,1例偶发室性期前收缩;B组心悸、头昏乏力、胸痛等症状基本消失,心肌酶、心电图及超声心动图恢复正常者8例。两组的疗效比较发现A、B两组缓解率分别为71.43%、83.36%。结论:对急性重症病毒性心肌炎及时诊断和采取有效的治疗措施,可降低死亡率和改善预后。

    [关键词] 心肌炎;病毒性;治疗;分析

    [中图分类号] R542.2+1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2011)04(a)-028-02

    Clinical research on 29 cases of acute fulminant viral myocarditis

    ZHONG Lilan

    People′s Hospital of Ningxiang County, Hunan Province, Ningxiang 410660, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To summarize the clinical features of patients with acute viral myocarditis. Methods: The clinical data of 29 patients with severe acute diagnosis was retrospectively analyzed from January 2005 to January 2010. Results: The symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose upper respiratory infection symptoms were found for the patients with severe acute diagnosis.group A and Bby comparison, the clinical manifestation, electrocardiogram and auxiliary examination results in group A and B showed no significant difference (P>0.05). 2 cases died of heart in group A, with a short shock duration: (1.5±0.3)days, group B palpitations, the symptoms of dizziness, weakness, and chest pain symptoms disappeared basically. And the myocardial enzymes, electrocardiogram, echocardiographic restored normal in 8 cases. Two groups was found the curative effect of group A and B was respectively for 71.43%, 83.36%. Conclusion: For patients with acute viral myocarditis, timely diagnosis and taking effective measures are proved to be important, they can reduces mortality and improve the prognosis.

    [Key words] Myocarditis; Viral; Treatment; Analysis

    急性重症病毒性心肌炎(acute severe viral myocarditis,ASVM),是指各种病毒感染后所致心肌严重炎性损害。临床表现轻重不一,突出表现为严重心律失常、心源性休克,甚至猝死,急性期病死率可达10%以上[1]。该病病情凶险,如不及时诊断及治疗,预后极差,因此有必要加深对本病的认识,以改善预后,降低死亡率。现对本院2005年1月~2010年1月住院治疗的29例急性重症病毒性心肌炎患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,以期更好地指导临床,现报道如下:

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    回顾性分析2005年1月~2010年1月本院诊治的29急性重症病毒性心肌炎患者,其中,男15例,女14例,年龄21~69岁,平均(35.1±4.2)岁;病程1~26 d,平均(7.3±3.5) d。所有患者均符合1999年国内制定的急性心肌炎诊断标准[2],即经病毒感染后,出现严重心力衰竭、心源性休克、心律失常、传导阻滞等症状 ......
