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http://www.100md.com 2011年2月15日


     [摘要] 目的:探讨不同巴戟天炮制品的糖含量与入药意义。方法:采用紫外可见分光光度法对净巴戟天、去木芯巴戟天、巴戟天木芯及蒸制后的巴戟天肉中总糖和多糖含量进行测定。结果:净巴戟天总糖为54.83%,多糖为12.09%;去木芯巴戟天总糖含量为59.58%,多糖为13.01%;巴戟天木芯总糖为23.12%,多糖为5.91%;而炮制后的巴戟肉总糖为56.61%,多糖为12.93%,糖的含量比净巴戟天高。结论:巴戟天糖主要分布在肉的部分,不同巴戟天炮制品中其糖的含量存在明显的差异。通过蒸制除去木芯,使药材得到净化,更有利于用药准确。

    [关键词] 巴戟天;炮制;总糖;多糖

    [中图分类号] R943.1 [文献标识码] C[文章编号] 1674-4721(2011)02(b)-042-02

    The distribution of sugar and the determination of different processed products of Morinda

    TIAN Shaoxiong1, SUN Shuzhou2

    (1.Pharmacy of Dashi People′s Hospital, Panyu District of Guangzhou City, Guangzhou 511430, China; 2.Guangzhuo Institute for the Six Drug Control, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 511400, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: Discussion the distribution of sugar and the medicine meaning of different processed products of Morinda. Methods: Determine the content of the total sugar and thepolysaccharide in the means of UV-visible spectrophotometry, in which was the pure morinda, the morinda with wood core removed, the wood core of morinda and the steamed morinda meat. Results: The pure morinda total sugar was 54.83% and polysaccharide was 12.09%. The morinda with wood core removed total sugar was 59.58% and polysaccharide was 13.01%. The wood core of morinda total sugar was 23.12% and polysaccharide was 5.91%. The steamed morinda meat total sugar was 56.61% and polysaccharide was 12.93%, which was higher than the pure morinda in the content of sufar. Conclusion: Morinda sugar is mainly distributed in the part of the meat. Different processed products of morinda are significant differences in their sugar content. Steam and remove wood core, which can purify the medicine and make for the drug standard.

    [Key words] Morinda; Concocted; Total sugar; Polysaccharide

    南药巴戟天(Morinda Officinalis How),又名鸡肠风、鸡眼藤、三角藤等,为茜草科植物巴戟天的根,始载于《神农本草经》,列为上品,历代本草都有叙述。有补肾壮阳、强筋骨、祛风湿的作用,是我国著名的“四大南药”之一。其有效部位主要是糖及蒽酮类,尤其是糖类有促免疫等活性,是近年研究的热点之一。2005版药典[1]中炮制项下有巴戟天、巴戟肉、盐巴戟天、制巴戟天4种,历代临床都使用其炮制品,尤以巴戟肉流通和应用为多。本文以净巴戟天经炮制为巴戟肉后糖的含量分布的变化来探讨巴戟天炮制品入药的意义。

    1 仪器与试药

    1.1 仪器


    1.2 试药

    葡萄糖对照品(中国药品生物制品检定所提供),巴戟天药材购自广州市药材公司,经鉴定为南药巴戟天(Morinda Officinalis How)干燥根。

    2 方法与结果

    2.1 巴戟肉的炮制方法

    取净巴戟天,照蒸法(中国药典附录Ⅱ D)蒸30 min,趁热除去木芯,切段,在40℃烘箱中烘至干燥。

    2.2 含量测定的方法

    精密称取105℃干燥至恒重的无水葡萄糖25 mg,置100 ml的容量瓶中,并用水定容,得到0.25 mg/ml的葡萄糖对照品溶液储备液。标准曲线的制备:0.25 mg/ml的葡萄糖对照品溶液储备液,分别移取0、1、2、4、5、6 ml置25 ml的容量瓶中,加水至刻度作为标准溶液。显色:分别取对照品溶液2 ml置具塞试管中,分别加5%的苯酚溶液1 ml、硫酸7 ml,置40℃的温水中保温30 min,取出,置冰水浴中5 min取出,并分别于490 nm处测定吸光度值,计算其标准曲线回归方程是Y=13.580 1X+0.105 2,r=0.999 6。从0.01~0.06 mg/ml的范围内是线性[2]。

    2.3 样品的制备

    净巴戟天样品:取药材粉碎,过60目的筛子,恒重。取恒重后的粉末0.200 0 g,80%乙醇回流1 h(60 ml×2),趁热过滤,滤渣以80%乙醇热洗(20 ml×3),收集滤液和洗涤液置水浴挥至无醇味后置于100 ml的容量瓶中定容,从中取1 ml定容到10 ml作为净巴戟天供试液a,滤渣水回流(40 ml×2),趁热过滤,水热洗(10 ml×2),滤液冷至室温后水定容100 ml,取3 ml,水定容到10 ml,得净巴戟天液供试液b。巴戟天(去芯)样品:另取同批巴戟天药材除去芯,余同净巴戟天样品的制备。巴戟天芯样品:为巴戟天(去芯)样品拔出的芯,余同上净巴戟天样品的制备 ......
