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http://www.100md.com 2015年9月15日 中国实用医药 2015年第26期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨肺癌患者肺部真菌感染的病因、诊断、治疗及预防。方法 对50例肺癌合并肺部真菌感染患者的病因、临床表现、治疗等做回顾性分析。结果 肺癌患者合并肺部真菌感染与长期应用抗生素、细胞毒性药物以及机体免疫力低下有关。50例肺癌合并肺部真菌感染患者中, 25例应用氟康唑, 4例应用伊曲霉唑后病情好转, 21例并发难以控制的肺部感染而死亡, 肺癌并发肺部真菌感染患者病死率为42.0%, 明显高于普通细菌感染患者的7.5%。50例的真菌培养均阳性, 其中白色念珠菌38例, 酵母样菌6例, 热带念珠菌6例。结论 对于肺癌合并肺部真菌感染的患者应注意早期预防、早期诊断、及时诊治, 同时选择合适的抗真菌药物, 并提高机体的免疫力及支持治疗, 才能达到满意的效果。

    【关键词】 肺癌;肺部真菌感染;治疗


    Research progress of lung cancer complicated with pulmonary fungal infection YANG Dan, LIU Shi-lin. Department of Emergency, Jinzhou City Central Hospital, Jinzhou 121000, China
, 百拇医药
    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of pulmonary fungal infection in lung cancer patients. Methods A retrospective analysis was made on pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of 50 lung cancer complicated with pulmonary fungal infection patients. Results Lung cancer complicated with pulmonary fungal infection had correlation with long-term antibiotics administration, cytotoxic drug, and low immunity. Among the 50 lung cancer complicated with pulmonary fungal infection patients, there were 25 relieved cases receiving fluconazole, 4 cases receiving itraconazole, and 21 death cases due to complicated unmanageable pulmonary infection. Mortality of lung cancer complicated with pulmonary fungal infection patients was 42.0%, which was much higher than 7.5% of common bacterial infection patients. All the 50 cases had positive fungal culture. Among them, there were 38 candida albicans cases, 6 saccharomycopsis cases, and 6 candida tropicalis cases. Conclusion Early prevention, diagnosis and treatment are necessary for lung cancer complicated with pulmonary fungal infection patients. Choice of appropriate antifungal drug, immunity improvement, and support therapy can provide satisfactory effect.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Lung cancer; Pulmonary fungal infection; Treatment

    目前, 肺癌的收治率提高与肺癌发病率的上升呈正相关, 在机体免疫力低下时, 由于肿瘤的侵入与损伤、气道的阻塞及长期应用抗生素和细胞毒性药物, 肺部真菌感染的发病率不断上升。所以早期明确诊断、合理有效地选用抗菌药物治疗、有效控制感染至关重要, 以降低感染相关死亡率[1]。现将本院2011年9月~2014年7月50例肺癌合并肺部真菌感染患者资料分析报告如下。

    1 临床资料

    在已经病理证实为肺癌的患者中, 并具备下列条件者, 即可诊断为肺癌合并肺部真菌感染:如基础疾病合并有免疫功能受损;体检有肺部炎症和体征;胸片或CT检查示肺纹理增粗、片状、絮状阴影;连续3次痰液菌种一致并且培养出真菌;在细菌学检查或治疗中可排除其他条件致病菌引起的单独感染。本组入选病例50例, 男31例, 女19例, 年龄40~80岁, 平均年龄61岁。体温正常28例、发热22例, 其中38.5℃以上者19例;咳白黏痰12例、脓白黏痰15例、白色泡沫痰14例、无痰9例;病理分型:鳞癌28例、腺癌12例、小细胞癌5例、腺鳞癌5例;中央型肺癌27例、周围型14例、弥漫型9例;分期:Ⅱ期4例、Ⅲ期16例、Ⅳ期30例。

    2 结果

    2. 1 感染诱因 ①化疗和放疗的因素:有28例多次进行放疗和化疗, 出现骨髓抑制9例;②全部患者在真菌培养阳性前, 均使用二联以上的广谱抗生素;③激素的使用:有7例患者因喘憋曾间断使用过地塞米松或甲强龙。④出现严重合并症:本组患者合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)10例, 冠心病19例, 脑血管病8例, 糖尿病7例。, http://www.100md.com(杨丹?刘士林)
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