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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月5日 刘立群 刘思谦


     [摘要] 目的:比较经腹部超声(TAS)与经阴道超声(TVS)在异位妊娠诊断中的价值,提高异位妊娠的早期诊断率。方法:对我院2005年6月~2009年6月收治的237例异位妊娠患者进行回顾性分析,比较两种超声检查方法的阳性确诊率。结果:237例中,91例经 TAS检查诊断异位妊娠74例,阳性确诊率为81.3%;80例经 TVS检查诊断异位妊娠75例,阳性确诊率为93.8%,66例经 TAS和 TVS联合诊断异位妊娠65例,阳性确诊率为98.5%。结论:TVS比TAS诊断异位妊娠更准确,两者联合应用能有效提高阳性确诊率。

    [关键词] 异位妊娠;经腹部超声;经阴道超声

    [中图分类号] R445.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)07(a)-095-02

    The value of abdominal ultrasound and vaginal ultrasound in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

    LIU Liqun, LIU Siqian

    B ultrasonic Room, Fenggang Hospital of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Dongguan 523000, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To compare the value of transabdominal ultrasound (TAS) and transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and improve the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Methods: To analyze the clinical data of 237 cases of ectopic pregnancy in our hospital from June 2005 to June 2009 retrospectively, compared positive diagnosis rate of two ultrasound methods. Results: 91 cases were given TAS examination of which 74 cases diagnosed, the positive diagnosis rate was 81.3%; 80 cases were given TVS examination of which 75 cases diagnosed, the positive diagnosis rate was 93.8%, 66 cases were given TVS and TAS examination of which 65 cases diagnosed, the positive diagnosis rate was 98.5%. Conclusion: The diagnosis rate of ectopic pregnancy of TVS is more accurate than TAS, their combination can increase the positive diagnosis rate.

    [Key words] Ectopic pregnancy; Transabdominal ultrasound; Transvaginal ultrasound

    异位妊娠(ectopic pregnancy,EP)是指受精卵着床于子宫体腔以外部位的妊娠,包括输卵管妊娠、卵巢妊娠、腹腔妊娠、宫颈妊娠、残角子宫妊娠及剖宫产瘢痕处妊娠等[1],是妇科急腹症中最常见的疾病之一。异位妊娠发病率占妊娠的0.5%~1.0%[2],若不及时诊断治疗,破裂后可导致大出血,严重者危及生命。随着超声检查水平的提高,尤其是阴道超声,它有效地提高了异位妊娠的早期诊断率,为临床早期治疗争取了时间,目前已成为诊断异位妊娠最常用的检查方法之一[3],为比较经腹部超声(transabdominal sonography,TAS)和经阴道超声(transvaginal sonography,TVS)在异位妊娠诊断中的价值,本文回顾分析了2005年6月~2009年6月在本院经TAS及经TVS 诊断的237例异位妊娠者的超声检查结果,现将结果报道如下:

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    选取本院2005年6月~2009年6月收治异位妊娠患者237例,年龄21~37岁,平均26.5岁。其中197例临床表现主要为停经、下腹痛、阴道不规则流血、阴道流点滴样咖啡色血、尿 hCG(+)等,另40例临床症状不典型。按检查方法不同,237例中,经 TAS检查91例,经TVS检查80例,经TAS和TVS联合检查66例。

    1.2 仪器和方法

    应用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪。经TVS检查时探头频率5.5~8.0 MHz。80例患者检查前均排空膀胱,取截石位,将表面涂有耦合剂的避孕套套在探头上 ......
