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http://www.100md.com 2020年1月15日 《医学信息》 20202


    中图分类号:R711.74 文獻标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2020.02.008


    Abstract:Endometrial receptivity (ER) refers to the ability of the endometrium to accept embryos, that is, the ability to allow the fertilized egg to locate, adhere, invade, and change the endometrial interstitial material to implant the endometrium. The "implant window" period of the endometrium is also called the receptive period. It needs the support of estrogen and progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum.Among them, miRNA and its target genes have a certain regulatory effect on endometrial receptivity.The role of miRNAs in female reproductive system diseases is currently the focus of research. Differential expression of miRNAs exists in diseases such as endometriosis, hydrosalpinx, polycystic ovary syndrome, and endometrial cancer.The role of miRNAs and their target genes in endometrial receptivity has also attracted scholars' attention. A number of studies have shown that miRNAs and their target genes are differentially expressed in patients with endometrial receptive defects.This article reviews the research on miRNAs and its target genes in endometrial receptivity.

    Key words:Endometrial receptivity;microRNA;Endometrium

    容受性的子宫内膜在胚胎植入中发挥着极其重要的作用。有研究表明[1],2/3的反复种植失败的是由于子宫内膜容受性不足引起的。近年来,子宫内膜容受性的研究越来越备受关注,关于微小RNA (miRNAs)在子宫内膜容受性中的作用研究更是引起了生殖临床工作者的注意,miRNAs是一类可以在转录后水平调控基因表达的转录后调节因子,通过多种途径影响着子宫内膜的容受性。miRNAs在子宫内膜容受性中的重要作用不能被忽视,深入研究miRNAs与子宫内膜容受性的相互作用机制将为生殖临床工作者创造更多检测子宫内膜容受性的手段,找到治疗子宫内膜容受性不足的方法,为广大的不孕患者带来福音。本文主要对微小RNA及其靶基因在子宫内膜容受性的研究作一综述,旨在为相关的科研及临床工作者提供参考。


    子宫内膜容受性是指子宫内膜接受胚胎的能力,即允许受精卵定位、黏附、侵入并使内膜间质发生改变从而植入子宫内膜的一种能力。子宫内膜容受性有一定的时间限制,这段时间被称为“种植窗”期(WOI)。“种植窗”期也称为容受期,一般出现在排卵后的6~8 d或受精后的5~7 d,需要由黄体分泌的雌、孕激素的支持,同时也受多种基因、蛋白质、细胞因子和粘附分子的影响,是胚泡黏附并植入容受性子宫内膜的重要时间段[2]。胚胎植入与种植窗口开放的同步化,是着床成功的必要条件。2/3的反复种植失败的是由于子宫内膜容受性不足引起,因此良好的子宫内膜容受性是成功的胚胎植入必备条件[1]。, http://www.100md.com(梁晓 马天仲)
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