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http://www.100md.com 2020年3月1日 《中国中医药信息杂志》 20203


    中图分类号:R277.73 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2020)03-0001-05


Expert Consensus for TCM Preventive Treatment of Diseases: Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment

ZHOU Xiaoxuan1, HUANG Junshan2, XIE Min3, WU Chenghan2

1. Rehabilitation Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350003, China; 2. Second People’s Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350003, China; 3. Fuzhou TCM Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350001, China

    Abstract: Expert Consensus for TCM Preventive Treatment of Diseases: Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment (hereinafter referred to as “the consensus”) was approved by the National Administration of TCM and organized by the China Association of Chinese Medicine. It was implemented under the direction and supervision of the expert group of standard revision of TCM preventive treatment of diseases. The contents of the consensus are mainly based on the principle of evidence-based medicine, using the classification criteria of TCM literature, combining expert questionnaire survey, expert argumentation, peer opinions, clinical evaluation and so on, compiling rules in accordance with clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines. In the consensus, the terms and definitions of vascular mild cognitive impairment, risk factors, diagnostic basis, differentiating types of constitution bias, intervention and recommendation scheme of TCM were put forward for the references of clinical diagnosis and treatment of TCM and TCM preventive treatment of diseases., 百拇医药(周小炫 黄俊山 谢敏 吴成翰)

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