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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月1日 林建锋 熊钦远 罗培群 谭仕健


     [摘要] 目的 了解本市现阶段儿童血铅水平及铅中毒状况。方法 对2008年5月至2010年5月在本市妇幼保健院就诊的2032例1-6岁儿童进行血铅浓度检测,并对检测结果进行统计学处理。结果 本组相对安全血铅浓度儿童1771例(87.16%),轻度铅中毒181例(8.91%),中度铅中毒58例(2.85%),重度铅中毒22例(1.08%)。结论 目前本市儿童铅中毒情况较为严重,建议将儿童血铅检测纳入儿童健康体检常规,通过血铅检测,对血铅中毒的儿童早期发现,尽早进行健康教育和必要的干预治疗,从而提高儿童的健康水平。

    [关键词] 儿童; 铅中毒; 血铅水平

    [中图分类号] R153.2[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-04-287-01

    Analysis of Blood Lead Level for Children under Six Years Old in Luoding

    Lin JianfengXiong QinyuanLuo PeiqunTan Shijian

    (Clinical laboratory, Luoding maternal and child care service centre, Yunfu, Guangdong province Luoding Guangdong 527200)

    [Abstract] Objective Investigate the blood lead level and lead poisoning of children under seven years old at the present stage in our city.Measure Test blood lead level of 2032 children under 6 years old cured in our hospital from May 2008 to May 2010, research the results with statistics. Result1771 individuals (87.16%) are proved Relatively safe, 181 individuals (8.91%) are found low-grade poisoned,58 individuals (2.85%) are tested moderately lead poisoned,22 individuals (1.08%) are suspected seriously lead poisoned. ConclusionAt present, lead poisoning happening to children in our city is relatively serious. We propose that,take the blood lead level into the consideration of children physical examination, try to diagnose this disease and offer health education as early as possible, as well as do some necessary intervention treatment, so as to promote the healthy conditions of the children.

    [Keywords] Children; Lead poisoning; Blood lead level


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 临床资料


    1.2 标本采集与测定


    1.3 儿童铅中毒诊断参考标准 相对安全血铅:<100μg/L;轻度铅中毒:100~199μg/L;中度铅中毒:200~449μg/L;重度铅中毒:450~699μg/L;极重度铅中毒:>700μg/L。

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