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http://www.100md.com 2017年1月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第2期
     [摘要]通过系统查阅古代本草著作,结合植物志对相关植物的形态和分布记述、现代典籍对相关药物的别名、性味、功效等方面的记载以及笔者野外调查进行基原考证,指出本草收载的18种药物来源于紫金牛属7种植物。其中,“紫金牛”和“硃砂根”的原植物均为朱砂根之变型红凉伞Ardisia crenata f hortensis;《植物名实图考》中“铁伞”来源于大罗伞树A hanceana;《植物名实图考》与《花镜》记载的“平地木”为同名异物;“叶底红”、“矮茶”、“短脚三郎”等名称的药物来源于紫金牛A japonica;《本草图经》中“小青”来源于九节龙A pusilla;药物名称为“百两金”、“九管血”、“走马胎”的基原也得到进一步确证。考证结果为理清相关药物的基原和药效,开发利用紫金牛属植物提供线索和依据。

    [关键词]紫金牛属; 中药; 本草考证

    Investigation of genus Ardisia in Bencao literature
, 百拇医药
    TONG Jiayun1, LIANG Zhitao2, ZHAO Zhongzhen2*, WU Jialin3*

    (1 School of Chinese Materia Medica, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China;

    2 School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China;

    3 Chinese Medicine Division, Department of Health, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Hong Kong, China)
, 百拇医药
    [Abstract]Based on a systematic review of morphology and distribution of plants, alternate names, actions, and properties of herbs recorded in ancient and modern literatures, in combination of field investigation, 18 Chinese herbal medicines recorded in ancient bencao literature were regarded to be derived from 7 species in the Ardisia genus Among them, the variety Ardisia crenata f hortensis was identified as the source of Zhushagen(朱砂根) and Zijinniu(紫金牛) A hanceana is referenced as Tiesan (铁伞) in the illustrated atlas of Botanical Nomenclature (Zhiwu Mingshi Tukao) The name Pingdimu (平地木) refers to a different substance in the illustrated atlas of Botanical Nomenclature and the Flower Mirror (Huajing) The medicinals named Yedihong (叶底红), Aicha (矮茶), and Duanjiao sanlang (短脚三郎) are all derived from A japonica The origin of the herb Xiaoqing (小青) referenced in the Illustrated Classic of the Materia Medica (Bencao Tujing) is A pusilla The medicinals Bailiangjin (百两金), Jiuguanxue (九管血) and Zoumatai (走马胎) are derived from A crispa, A brevicaulis, and A gigantifolia, respectively This investigation clarifies the botanical sources and actions of related Chinese medicinal materials in the genus Ardisia, and provides clues and evidence for utilizing and developing their medicinal plant resources
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Ardisia; Chinese medicinal materials; Bencao literature


    紫金牛属Ardisia Swartz是紫金牛科最大的属,全世界约有400~500种,主要分布于热带亚洲东部至东南亚、美洲、大洋洲及太平洋诸岛,在我国主要分布于长江流域以南地区[1 2]。《中国植物志》载有紫金牛属植物68种[1],近年出版的《Flora of China》修订为65种[2]。该属植物多具有治疗跌打、风湿、痨咳及各种炎症的药用价值[1]。由于该属植物形态或功效的相似,以致在本草记载中同名异物或同物异名的情况较多,且错综复杂。如本草记载或地方名中同为“山豆根”、“开喉箭(剑)”之名的药物分别来源于6种植物,同为“矮茶”之名的有5种植物[3]。对来源于该属植物的中草药,前人进行了较为系统的本草考证;然而也存在一些争议和考据遗漏的情况[47]。如朱砂根与紫金牛在《本草纲目》中分列条目,性味、主治不同,其中后者有被考证为朱砂根A. crenata Sims,也有认为系同属的虎舌红A mamillata Hance [47]。为此,按现代植物分类系统对古代本草所收载的相关药物进行分类考证,结合药性及药效等知识进一步查缺补遗和梳理,对传承古人之药用知识、指导现今安全和有效的用药具有一定的理论和现实意义。, http://www.100md.com(童家赟 梁之桃 赵中振 邬家林)
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