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Bill Clinton still hospitalized

心脏搭桥手术留下后遗症 克林顿依旧在医院休养

http://www.100md.com   2005-3-15 chinadaily
     Former President Clinton remained in a hospital Sunday while recovering from an operation to remove scar tissue and fluid that developed after his heart bypass surgery six months ago, his spokesman said.

    "To the best of my knowledge, he continues to recuperate at the hospital," spokesman Jim Kennedy said.

    Kennedy said he had no information regarding when the 42nd president might be released.

    Clinton, who had the operation Thursday, was expected to spend three to 10 days in New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center.

    Doctors described the operation as a low-risk procedure to relieve a problem that crops up in only a fraction of 1 percent of bypass cases. They said the combination of fluid and scar tissue had reduced Clinton's left lung capacity by 25 percent.

    Surgeons removed a rind of scar tissue nearly a third of an inch thick in some places.

    The former president first noticed the problem when he suffered shortness of breath during his daily four-mile walk near his home in Chappaqua, N.Y., about 40 miles north of Manhattan.

    P.S. AP - Former President Clinton left the hospital Monday, four days after undergoing surgery to remove scar tissue and fluid around his left lung.

    "I'm glad to be home and look forward to getting back to work within the next month or so," Clinton said in a statement issued by his spokesman, Jim Kennedy.













    scar tissue: dense, fibrous connective tissue that forms over a healed wound or cut(疤痕组织,在愈合伤口或切割处形成的紧密的纤维连接组织)

    fluid: a continuous, amorphous substance whose molecules move freely past one another and that has the tendency to assume the shape of its container; a liquid or gas(流体,一种分子之间能自由移动的连续的液体或气体)

    recuperate: to return to health or strength; recover(复原)

    crop up: 突然出现
