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http://www.100md.com 2002年5月25日 新药网

    (1广西柳州市人民医院药剂科,柳州 545001;2桂林医学院药学系,桂林 541001)




    The test for compatibility of nimodipine and its absorption on infusion sets

    WEI Xi1,TAN Qiang2,LI Hui2

    (1Department of Pharmacy Liuzhou People's Hospital,Liuzhou 545001,China;

    2Department of Pharwacy,Guilin Medical College,Guilin 541001,China)

    [Abstract]Objective:To determine the variation of the characteristic and content of nimodipine in injectic dextrose or injectic sodium chloride and its content absorbed by the infusion sets.Methods:The content of nimodipine was measured by UV determination,Microparticles were observed with microscope.Results:The level of nimodipine decreased evidently,and nimodipine was absorbed by infusion sets.Conclusion:Nimodipine can not be infused with injectic dextrose or sodium chloride and not to use this infusion sets

    [Key words]nimodipine;compatibility;microparticles;UV determination;absorption







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