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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月1日
     “Sustainable communities are settlements which meet diverse needs of all

    existing and future residents; contribute to a high quality of life; and offer

    appropriate ladders of opportunity for household advancement,either locally

    or through external connections.They also limit the adverse external effects

    on the environment,society and economy.” (Kearns and Turok,2004).UKs sustainable community agenda contains lots of programmes like New Deal for communities; cleaner,safer,greener; and other targeting programs (Department of Health report).According to Kearns and Turok (2004),one of the biggest challenges facing government is how to embed the significant cultural shifts represented by the sustainable communit’s agenda into the attitudes and behaviour of citizens and businesses towards the environment,society,economy and patterns of resource consumption.Sustainability considerations need to be pursued as everyones responsibility,from government to citizen and private enterprise.Sustainable communities require ‘mainstreaming’,not simply into government departments and public services,but into the everyday practices of the economy and wider society.Another challenge is how to deal with the relationships between economic,social and environmental improvements,can they be mutually supportive and improved simultaneously or should there be any tradeoffs or sacrifice?
, 百拇医药
    Because peoples health cannot be separated from the place where they are living and working,public health agenda always connects with sustainable community agenda in many ways:reducing the disparities,increasing the social inclusion degree,facilitating the primary health services and targeting poverty.They always have intertwined points owing to they both are under the influences of environment,society and economy.Since health has been taken as a commodity within the community,it gives the sign or criteria for capable people to choose which community is inclusive and ‘sustainable’.Both agendas give individual a big opportunity and responsibility to choose and sustain their own situation.
, 百拇医药
    All of these overlaps between public health agenda and sustainable community agenda are for the delivering effective public health inUK.When we make a further understanding of the two major theories,there are few concepts we should discuss and understand which are community,targeting,and community empowerment social capital.

    ‘Community’ is an abstract word and entity which describes a group of living being sharing a common environment.It is still a hotly contested theory.In sociology,there is no widely agreed definition on it,traditionally,community means a group of interacting people living in a certain location organised around a common value and social cohesion.This term can also refer to national and globe community,even cyber community like face book or forum community.Kearns and Turok(2003) stated that community does not necessarily have explicit borders,it should start at a certain place ,but have connection with outsides,they also has claimed that community should be full of opportunities and chances.If community exists,the people within it should be free enough to interact and share their resources and information to get along.Smith,Lapine and Taylor (2007) stated that community could also be exclusive; there would not be enough resource or opportunities there and out of their choices.

    , 百拇医药(何龙韬)
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