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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     纽约路透社健康消息 最新研究发现,关于如何正确使用避孕套,美国的青少年懂得的比想象中的要少得多。在大多数情况下,男孩懂得的比女孩少。美国亚特兰大的疾病控制与预防中心的理查德·A·克罗斯比博士与印地安那大学的威廉·L·雅伯博士在近期《青少年卫生杂志》上合作发表了这项研究报告。



, 百拇医药



    Some Teens Clueless on Correct Condom Use

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - American teens may know a lot less than they think they know about correct condom use, according to recent study findings. And in most cases, males seem to know even less than females, researchers report.
, 百拇医药
    ``The adolescents of this study unknowingly had misconceptions,‘‘ according to Dr. Richard A. Crosby of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (news - web sites) in Atlanta, Georgia, and co-author Dr. William L. Yarber of Indiana University.

    ``Seemingly, prevention education should be provided even if the target audience believes it is already knowledgeable,‘‘ they write in the May issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health.
, 百拇医药
    Their study group included more than 16,000 15 to 21 year olds, almost half of whom said that they had ever had sexual intercourse. Thirty percent of that group said they had had four or more partners, but only 28% reported ever using a condom.

    The most widely held misconception among the youth was that ‘‘when putting on a condom, it is important to have it fit tightly, leaving no space at the tip,‘‘ the authors report. More than 30% of sexually experienced females and about 40% of sexually experienced males agreed with the statement, the report indicates.
, 百拇医药
    In addition, about one third of the teens believed that Vaseline can be used with condoms, and about one fifth agreed with the statement that ``natural skin (lambskin) condoms provide better protection against the AIDS (news - web sites) virus than latex condoms,‘‘ study findings show.

    Further, the authors found that males were more likely than females to agree with such misconceptions.

    ``Seemingly, persons actually wearing the condom would be more knowledgeable about correct use; however, this study found the opposite to be true,‘‘ Crosby and Yarber write.
, 百拇医药
    Male and female virgins, even those who considered themselves ‘‘quite knowledgeable‘‘ about correct condom use, were more likely than their sexually experienced peers to agree with the misconceptions, the report indicates.

    ``For young people to protect themselves adequately from STD/HIV (news - web sites) and pregnancy, they need complete prevention information,‘‘ the authors conclude. ``Educators should not only inform students of the value of condom use in preventing STDs and pregnancy, but they should give correct use information,‘‘ they add.

    SOURCE: Journal of Adolescent Health 2001;28:415-420., 百拇医药