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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网



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    T‘ai Chi May Benefit Those with Arthritis

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older adults who are looking for a gentle, low-impact form of physical activity to help manage their osteoarthritis may benefit from T‘ai Chi, according to Massachusetts researchers.

    T‘ai Chi is an ancient Chinese form of exercise that involves slow fluid movements. It is ``based on a holistic approach of balancing the mind and the body,‘‘ the authors explain.
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    ``T‘ai Chi can be an effective therapy for improving the mental and physical health of patients with osteoarthritis,‘‘ lead author Catherine A. Hartman, from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, told Reuters Health. Hartman conducted the study while a master‘s student at Springfield College.

    To investigate the effects of T‘ai Chi on arthritic adults, Hartman and her colleagues performed a study involving 33 individuals who ranged in age from 49 to 81 years. The study participants were randomly divided into two groups: one that received two 1-hour T‘ai Chi classes per week for 3 months and a comparison group that received no T‘ai Chi training.
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    At the end of the study period, the T‘ai Chi group reported a significant decrease in their tension level and an increased satisfaction with their general health status, ``including improved walking speed, bending ability, arm function, self-care activities, and household tasks,‘‘ the authors report in the December issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

    ``T‘ai Chi was beneficial to both patients with severe limitations (obesity, use of a walker, and use of oxygen tank) and the more active and fit people in the class,‘‘ Hartman told Reuters Health.
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    In addition, the T‘ai Chi participants reported a higher ‘‘total arthritis self-efficacy‘‘--better management of arthritic symptoms, fatigue control, etc.--than did the comparison group, the researchers note.

    ``This study demonstrates that older adults with osteoarthritis can realize meaningful improvements in their mental and physical health through regular T‘ai Chi practice,‘‘ Hartman and colleagues conclude.

    Individuals who are interested in T‘ai Chi as a therapy for their arthritis should ``look for an experienced T‘ai Chi practitioner who is comfortable teaching to a wide range of students and is able to modify the forms as necessary for people with osteoarthritis,‘‘ Hartman advised., 百拇医药